benefits of installing an air curtain. Air curtains
help promote a comfortable indoor climate for customers
and employees. A better indoor environment
whether it’s with warm or ambient air. Having
open doors with air curtains provides a comfortable
indoor feeling for passing prospective customers.
Air curtains save energy and protect the indoor
environment from dust, fumes and insects. Air
curtains are easy to install and maintain. Selecting
the optimum air curtain model is the key to effective
use of an air curtains, NOT
"air curtain price”.
Air curtains prevent
loss of cool air during the summer and heat loss
during winter.
An air Curtain is a
must if you require your doors to be open and also
have an effective means to block out dust, exhaust
fumes, smoke, odours and flying insects.
Air curtains give you
the protection you require and you offer your customers
open and
uninhibited door access
to your premises.